What brings you to counseling?
It's been said that the only constant in life is change. Some changes are planned while others are completely unexpected. You may find yourself in your new circumstances asking, "Now, what?" Counseling can help you as you navigate the new normal, make meaning of the past, and move on to the future.
Do you have a secret identity? A favorite fandom? A Hogwarts house? Gifted kids grow up, but may still battle with perfectionism, imposter syndrome, human awkwardness, and conflict between the desire for solitude and feelings of loneliness. You need a counselor with a geek streak, who understands your story. Your hero's journey starts here.
"What's wrong with me? I should be over this by now."
Feeling out of control? Disconnected? Tormented by traumatic memories? Burdened by past pain? Like a stone thrown into a pond, trauma can have lasting effects on a person's life and ability to function. Old pain can show up in dissociation, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, addiction, irrational or self-destructive behavior, or just feeling out of control. Healing from trauma doesn't have to be traumatic. TCT can empower you to heal yourself and move on with your life.
At least one in four Americans will experience some form of mental illness this year. Depression, anxiety, and suicide are on the rise. If you are trapped by anxiety, lost in depression, or tormented by thoughts of self-harm, don't go it alone. There is help. Hope and healing are just around the corner.
Communication Skills
Strong relationships are based on empathy and understanding. Yet few of us were ever taught how to listen effectively, talk about emotions, or effectively engage in difficult conversations. But you can learn! Clearer communication will allow you to create stronger, happier, and more satisfying connections with those you love.
Psychology & Spirituality
We may talk about "psychotherapy" in terms of improving mental, behavioral, or emotional health, but the true root of the word means "healing the soul." Everyone has heartaches, conflicts, and questions. For those with a spiritual perspective, access to wisdom, a sense of meaning, and greater purpose can be an important part of the healing process.
In a faith-safe environment, compassionate counseling can work with faith to provide additional perspectives, tools, and insights to your quest for meaning, healing, peace, and joy.
Helping the Helpers
In times of crisis, Mr. Rogers famously said to "Look for the helpers." As one of those helpers, you teach, serve, heal, and protect. But who do you turn to for help when you are in crisis? Those on the front lines of health, safety, and education, are at risk of chronic stress and burnout as you have to do more, with less, in difficult circumstances. Counseling can help.
Strengthening Relationships
It's never too early and it's never too late to build better relationships with those you love. Whether preparing for marriage, heading for divorce, or simply in need of a tune-up for a happier marriage, there are many things you as a couple can do today to increase positivity and understanding, manage conflict, resolve differences, and create the relationship you want.
You may have had years of school and training to prepare for your career, but what preparation did you get for your job as a parent? Being a parent is incredibly important and incredibly challenging, but it has the potential to be incredibly rewarding too. And when done well – in the context of love and good relationships – it can be a source of great joy.
Grief & Loss
Grief is the natural reaction to loss – of relationships, loved ones, place, identity, dreams, or expectations. Before we can move on from changes, disappointments, or good-byes, we must grieve. All too often, however, circumstances force grief to be ignored, rushed, compartmentalized, isolated, or unfinished. Counseling provides the space to heal.
Brief Therapy
Therapy doesn't always require a long-term commitment. Maybe you just need a tune-up or help through a rough patch. If you're ready to make some focused changes, you have a specific goal, or you just want to have a healthier outlook on life, some brief, solution-focused therapy might be just what you need.