Emilyann LeGrue, LPC

It’s been said that the two most important days in life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. This work – counseling people like you – is my why.
Even before I can remember, I have felt the call to help, comfort, and mourn with those in need. My mom tells of discovering me, at two years old, holding my big brother and crying with him after he fell off his bike. In school, I was a people-watcher, a friend to the misfits and outcasts, and that kid who everybody told their problems to.
But it wasn’t until halfway through college that I found my calling. With a variety of interests, I had trouble choosing a major. I started out in biology and ended up taking a human development class from a Marriage and Family Therapist. One day, he told a touching story about his efforts to help one of his clients. Suddenly, I knew: This! This is what I want to do! From there, I switched my major to Family Science and began a 13-year journey that culminated in opening Emilyann LeGrue Counseling, LLC in 2012.
I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area for graduate school. There, my training and experience included working with a variety of clients of all ages and backgrounds. I counseled troubled youth in residential treatment at the Bill Wilson Center, helped grieving children and families at the Centre for Living with Dying and Kara Grief Support, worked with teens in inner-city schools with the YWCA of Silicon Valley, and volunteered on a rape crisis hotline. I completed my internship hours just weeks before moving to Eugene, Oregon in 2009.
After moving to Oregon, I completed my California Marriage and Family Therapy exams and licensure, finished some additional requirements to become an Oregon Licensed Professional Counselor, and set up my private practice in downtown Eugene, where I have helped dozens of people work through challenges and improve their lives.
As your counselor, I will teach you tried-and-true principles and help shine light in dark corners. I bring all of my knowledge and years of experience to every session and personalize my approach to you and your needs. My goal is to help you to expand your range of agency, solve problems, take action, and find joy.
Let’s begin this journey together.
Emilyann LeGrue
Counseling Philosophy
I believe we are defined, not by our problems, but by our choices. We all have times when we need support to reach our goals, overcome problems, or reestablish a sense of connection, meaning, and purpose in our lives. Counseling can be a valuable tool, providing clarity and insight, opening up new possibilities, expanding and supporting choices, teaching new skills and ways of coping with life, and assisting you in finding solutions and making effective decisions as you face life's challenges and work toward your personal goals. Regardless of each person's unique strengths, limitations, or circumstances, I believe we all have the potential for learning, growth, and positive change throughout the lifespan.
Counseling should be empowering, hopeful, and helpful in real, practical ways. I care about the whole person: mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, and relationally. Together, we will create a healing space that nurtures and promotes insight and growth. My approach is also is also pragmatic, educational, solution-focused, and strengths-based – so you can take what you learn and experience and apply it to the real world.

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
— Emily Dickinson
Theoretical Approach
Like many therapists, I have an eclectic approach, choosing from a variety of viewpoints those that I see as the most effective tools for understanding each individual client's issues and helping them achieve their goals.
My primary theoretical perspectives are:
Developmental – looking at life stages, tasks, and experiences
Attachment – looking at the quality of connections with others
Narrative – looking at your stories and how you see yourself in relation to your problems
Systems – looking at the impact of family, community, and culture​​
Cognitive – looking at how you think about and make meaning of your experiences
Positive – looking at strengths, solutions, and practices that lead to greater happiness
Humanistic – client-centered, collaborative counseling with an optimistic belief in human potential
Training and Licensure
2012 - Present
Emilyann LeGrue Counseling, LLC
Private practice in Eugene, Oregon
2011 - Present
Oregon Licensed Professional Counselor #C2618
Oregon Business License
2010 - Present
California Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist #48433 (inactive)
Internship experience:
Bill Wilson Center, Santa Clara, CA
The Centre for Living with Dying, Santa Clara, CA
YWCA of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA
Clinic and inner-city schools​
Santa Clara County Sexual Assault Response Team
Rape crisis hotline​
Accompaniment for forensic exam
Kara Grief Services – Camp Erin
Kathleen Barbera-Keen, MFCC
Private Practice​
Professional Organizations
Association of Latter-day Saint Counselors and Psychotherapists
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
M.A., Counseling Psychology
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
B.S., Family Science, Human Development Emphasis
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I abide by the Code of Ethics established by the
Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists