Trauma & Dissociation
Is trauma from the past keeping you from living
in the present?
Some mental illnesses have a biological or genetic component. But others are the result of overwhelming experiences that exceed our normal ability to cope. When this happens, people may experience post-traumatic stress, dissociation, or other trauma reactions – normal reactions to abnormal situations.
Overwhelming fear and pain, physical or emotional trauma, violence, and abuse can have far-reaching effects. Even though the experience is in the past, the feelings of loss, helplessness, fear, and pain can continue for years and intrude on the present. Feelings of panic can come out of nowhere. A random trigger can cause a flashback or overreaction. Past trauma is often at the root of chronic anger, depression, fear, anxiety, addiction, self-harm, and other acting-out behaviors to escape the threat and stop the pain.
Some common reactions to trauma include:
Acute stress reactions (fight or flight)
Flashbacks, nightmares, and triggers
Chronic pain, headaches, and exhaustion
Trust or abandonment issues
Loss of identity and values​
Depression and anxiety
Addictions, obsessions, or compulsions
Suicidal thoughts or self-destructive behavior
Emotional numbing, shutting down, or zoning out
Feeling hypervigilant, keyed-up, on-edge, or agitated
Feeling disoriented, disconnected, broken, or unreal
Memory gaps, lost time, or out-of-body experiences
Mood swings, overreactions, or feeling out of control
Avoidance and isolation
Unhealthy boundaries
Shame and guilt

These symptoms may last long after the initial threat has passed. Unfortunately, these reactions and negative coping mechanisms can cause more harm as they take on a life of their own, and may even result in additional trauma, pain, and revictimization.
So how do you face unspeakable pain without inviting that pain back into your life?
This is where TCT – Trauma Conversion Therapy – comes in. TCT turns traumatic memories into normal memories, allowing you to process and release old pain. It’s quick, it’s effective, and it’s empowering. Through deep relaxation and visualization, you can learn how to do the inner work necessary to reorder and repair your internal system so you can heal and move on.
Know that you’re not alone. Trauma and dissociation are very common. Such distress is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Fortunately, these issues can be treated effectively and humanely. Treating trauma and dissociation doesn’t have to be traumatizing; it can be enlightening and empowering.
If you’re tired of trauma controlling you, if you’re ready to do some deep healing, if you want to reconnect and get your life back, contact me.