Current Clients
This is your page for announcements and
easy access to your client portal.

We've moved!
Emilyann LeGrue Counseling
is now located at
1679 Willamette Street
in Eugene.
Turn into the Evergreen Nutrition parking lot and go up the stairway at the far end.
The door to the waiting room is at the top of the stairs.
Masks are no longer required.
Please respect other clients' privacy.
Client Portal Access
Now you can access your SimplePractice Client Portal from my website!
Questions about how to use and access your Client Portal? Click the PDF below for instructions!

What's New:
Enhanced Couples Services
When you log in to your Client Portal, you will have the option of accessing and managing your individual profile and calendar or your couple profile and calendar. The couple profile – including shared documents and messages – can be accessed by both partners, and couples' counseling appointments will be made there. Your individual profile will remain confidential and accessible only to you.
Second, I can now offer multi-client Telehealth services. This means that two members of a couple can attend their joint counseling session from two separate devices from two separate locations. This is great when you can't be together in person, or if you just prefer using your own screen for meetings. Just click your appointment link, sign in, and join the meeting!
What's New:
Password-less Login
When you log in to the portal, enter your email address and SimplePractice will send you a single-use link to your portal. The link expires after 24 hours. Click the link and it will take you directly to your secure portal. It's more secure, and there's no password to remember!
For more information, click the PDF below.
Thank you
for choosing
Emilyann LeGrue Counseling.
It is a privilege to serve you.